The Path to 10G Starts with 1G

As the global cable industry continues its work towards making 10G – or 10 gigabits to the home – a reality in the coming years, we shouldn’t lose sight of the foundational building blocks that will make 10G a reality. And that foundation is the millions of miles of fiber-rich broadband networks that have been deployed across the world over the last several decades that are already powering gigabit speeds to much of America.

In 2017, Mediacom Communications, a midsized cable provider that serves 22 states, became one of the first ISPs to launch 1 gigabit (1G) internet speeds across its national footprint. These gigabit speeds are powering homes and businesses across America’s heartland including more than 300 communities in Iowa. . While Mediacom may have been among the leaders, other cable operators were not far behind and 1G deployments are now currently available to 80% of American homes, up from just 4% in 2016.

1G means everyone can seamlessly do more across multiple devices through higher online usage capabilities. In 2016, the average household had 10 connected devices. Looking to the future, that number is expected to rise to an average of 50 devices by 2020 driving a massive need for flawless connectivity.

group of people and devices

1G is powering video and internet experiences and creating opportunities for new technologies to become a prominent staple in our everyday lives. Through 1G, the use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) experiences are ushering in a new wave of healthcare through tele-medicine. Just the use of VR and AR will cause 12 times more internet traffic by 2022. Additionally, people can experience television and video games in a fully cloud based setting offering 4K video and significantly decreased download times while avoiding any lag or buffering. Considering live streaming services like Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime, IP video traffic will quadruple from 2018 to 2022, making up 82% of all internet traffic.

1G – and in the future 10G – speeds will be part of our lives both in and out of the home. Through gigabit speeds, we can connect with business partners across the world, changing the way we work. Telework will create a dynamic and immersive work life that will promote creativity and independence. And remote healthcare is expected to continue growing, limiting the need to travel to have a specialist diagnose symptoms or view radial imaging.

Through 1G, we are laying the path for future technologies to usher in a new way of life. 10G internet will be the key to delivering a more connected experience online and offline.